Wa-Sho Seeds



We are pleased to announce the launch of a brand new partnership program “Wa-Sho Seeds” to spread our food education curriculum, “Wa-Sho -Learn. Cook. Eat Japanese!” to more regions in the United States. Our teaching materials, lesson plans and recipes (seeds) have proven so successful with students of all ages nationwide. As our partner instructor, you will implement (grow) Wa-Sho programs in your communities.

  • Who can apply?

This program is open to anyone over 18 years old involved in teaching Japanese language, promoting Japanese culture or food education in schools, or working in communities with local non-profit organizations.  Japanese language teachers, cultural exchange coordinators, nutrition teachers and college club members are examples of who might benefit from this program. This is for educational purposes and not for promotion of products or making profits.

We are seeking 15+ partner instructors who would like to collaborate with us during Jan 2025 - Dec 2025. The teaching materials and online training course will be provided for free for the selected partner instructors. The application for 2025 has just opened. Apply by Dec 31st 2024!

アメリカの生徒が和食を通して健康的な食生活や調理方法について学ぶ、TABLE FOR TWO USAのユニークな食育プログラム「和食育」は、2017年の活動開始以来、小学生〜大学生・大人までと幅広い世代の生徒さんに好評をいただいています。全米各州より『和食育クラスを開催したい』との声をいただいており、この度“Wa-Sho Seeds”というパートナーシッププログラムを立ち上げ、対面式の「和食育」クラスを全米各地で実施いただくパートナー講師を募集する運びとなりました。パートナー講師には、「和食育」の講師トレーニングコースを無償で受講いただき、トレーニング後は「和食育」オリジナルの教育マテリアル(レッスンプラン・レシピ・プレゼンスライドなど)を活用して、各自のコミュニティーで簡単なクッキングを含む「和食育」クラスを開催することができるようになります。食育・和食文化を伝えることにご興味のある方ぜひご応募ください。


If you apply and are selected as a partner instructor, you will have free access to the following resources:

- Wa-Sho educational materials, including presentation slides, lesson plans, and recipes for 5 lessons

- Wa-Sho instructor training course

- Online training sessions via Zoom with our staff

- Individual coaching as needed

  • the first term

Jan: Partner Selection and Determination

Mid of Feb: Kick-off Meeting

End of Feb: Start training

Mar - Apr and beyond: Partner instructors start providing Wa-Sho classes

  • teaching Content

Through this course, your students will learn the principles of Japanese cuisine and food culture. They will also gain the skills required to prepare healthy, nutritious foods to strengthen our bodies and minds as well as learn about food related issues around the world.

This program can be customized to fit your activity plan. You do not have to teach all of the lessons offered.  For example  one lesson can be used with different audiences.

Lesson Plans

5+ different lessons will be available

  • Rice & Bento - Onigiri (Japanese rice balls) bento / Onigiri Action

  • Soy - Inari sushi, Miso soup / #EdamameChamp and Chopstick Challenge

  • Food from the Sea - Norimaki (Seafood roll)

  • Popular Japanese Food - Okonomiyaki (Japanese savory pancakes)

  • Sweets - Tofu Shiratama Anmitsu – Mochi and fruit parfait
    *A few more lessons might be added.

See “Classes“ to learn more about our program!


Q: Is this completely free? Are there any costs involved in becoming a partner?

A: There is no cost for taking the training course to teach as an instructor. Wa-Sho Seeds educational materials (lesson plans, recipes and presentation slides) will be provided at no charge for the partners to provide the Japanese food education programs. No materials may be copied or downloaded for additional use beyond this role. The partners or schools/institutions that the partners are associated with are responsible for the costs of all food and equipment for each class. Partner instructors are encouraged to take the online Food Safety Certificate recommended the fee is $25.00 is the responsibility of the instructor.  

Q: Are there any guidelines that must be adhered to in becoming a partner?

A: The partner instructor will report the number of classes, with the approximate number of participants, submit photos and any feedback for classes and conduct a post-class survey. Photo usage is limited to students with written permission. Photos could be used on TABLE FOR TWO’s social media sites, or in promotional materials for our programs. No images can be sold or used by third parties.  

Q: Do I need to teach all the lessons?

A: No. You can choose lessons that you would like to teach. For example, you choose one lesson and provide the lesson multiple times.

Q: Will a partner instructor be paid as an instructor?  

A: We designed this course with the idea that partner instructors belong to a school or community organization and have roles relevant to the Wa-Sho seeds program such as teaching Japanese, Japanese culture, nutrition, cooking etc. Partners can utilize our materials within their existing positions.  If you are interested in providing the program beyond your role, please consult with us. 

Q: Can I conduct paid classes or must classes be free? 

A: It would be ideal if the participating schools or institutions cover ingredient and material costs to provide opportunities to all students regardless of their financial situation. If that is not possible, you may charge participants a fee to cover ingredient and material costs. If the amount you collect exceeds the actual costs, we encourage you to donate the excess amount to TABLE FOR TWO to help cover the costs of the Wa-Sho Seeds operation and provide food education to more children in need.  If you are interested in conducting paid classes to cover ingredients and materials costs, please share your plan and consult with us in advance.  

Press release about the launch: click

Educational Materials and Training course Sample Images

Power Point Slides

Lesson Plans (to be added)

Recipes (To be added)

our original Video materials

Rice: OVERVIEW Maybe you are not yet familiar with some of the more unique Japanese ingredients like miso and seaweed. But most people have seen or…

Soy Cook-Off! A high school teacher V.S. a high school student! This video is part of our food education program, "Wa-Shokuiku -Learn. Cook. Eat Japanese!" T...

Wa-Sho instructor training course via “ruzuku“ platform (*register required)

Thank you our partners for your support to make it possible to launch Wa-Sho Seeds!