Here's how to get involved
Just Fill out the form below and we'll get right back with you!
We are now looking for Wa-Shokuiku instructors
teaching in-person classes in Washington DC, San Diego and Boston and also virtual classes.
Please check the job description and apply from the form below! We are also regularly recruiting in New York and Los Angeles !
For Corporations and Foundations:
Would you like to support the Wa-Shokuiku Project? We would appreciate financial and in-kind donation to make this program available for many students. Please contact us to request more information.
For Schools:
Would you like the Wa-Shokuiku Project to come to your school? If you’re location in the Washington DC, New York, Boston-metro area, Los Angeles, San Diego, or Rhode Island, it may be a possibility! Please contact us to request more information.
For Individuals:
We love our volunteers – and couldn’t exist without them! Do you have a passion for food, health, education – or something entirely different, but think it could help with our mission? Please email us to introduce yourself and how you’d like to be involved! We are regularly recruiting Wa-Shokuiku class instructors, Wa-Shokuiku class volunteers, and more!
Instructor/Volunteer opportunity (Job Description)
If you want to have us for your birthday, check this out!